Gum Diseases

Gum disease comes in a myriad of forms and presentations. Some types have significant bone loss, loose teeth, pain and swellings whereas others have mild bleeding and no other signs or symptoms. As a result, the only way to diagnose any issues and recommend treatment is for our dentists to have a thorough look visually with the aid of x-rays.

The family of gum diseases can be sub-categorized as gingivitis (bleeding gums without bone loss), periodontal disease (bleeding gums with bone loss) and a group of uncommon necrotizing and ulcerative gum conditions.

The treatment for common forms such as gingivitis and periodontitis involve a thorough regular deep-clean, sometimes under local anaesthetic. The treatment is centered around removing all bacterial build-up around the roots and then teaching you how to maintain that at home. Adjunctive measures such as antibiotics can also be used to assist deep-cleaning.

Gum Disease - Chermside Dental Care

I think I have gum problems. Where do I start?

The first step is a consultation with any of our dental team. We will diagnose gum disease, if present, and recommend specific treatment for you to achieve stability and stop disease progression. We will also go through at-home care and a maintenance program to ensure you keep your gums healthy for life.

What if my gum problems are advanced?

Although we can usually save most teeth, sometimes there are teeth that are better off being removed and replaced. For these situations we can discuss all of the excellent replacement options with you. These include dentures, bridges and dental implants.

If you have any questions, please feel free to call us, message us or book online.

Our gum disease practitioner | Oral Health Therapist